
contemporary romance book

12 Cool Facts About Sea Turtles

12 Cool Facts About Sea Turtles 1024 743 adminvictoria

Sea Turtles play a role—almost like that of a supporting character—in Valentine to Faith, an award-winning contemporary romance book published in 2020. They’re so magical and fascinating, we thought we’d share some of the features that make them so awesome. Here are 12 cool facts about sea turtles. 1. They Have Their Own Holiday June…

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contemporary romance books

Excerpt From Valentine to Faith

Excerpt From Valentine to Faith 1024 576 adminvictoria

SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA SUMMER 1985 From her kitchen, Angel clocked the sound of Max’s wagon heading home. She cleared her supper and went to the porch to wait until six p.m., the time she judged best to arrive on his doorstep. Any later would put her in the way of his class, any earlier gave…

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contemporary romance books

5 Reasons Why Mermaids Are So Cool

5 Reasons Why Mermaids Are So Cool 799 1024 adminvictoria

Throughout history, little girls and adults alike have been obsessed with mermaids. They’re the subject of everything from art and films to graphic novels and contemporary romance books. Mermaid toys and dolls top the best-sellers list in children’s stores and there are even mermaid schools across the globe, a testament to how many of secretly…

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contemporary romance novels

The History of Yemaya—The Ocean Goddess

The History of Yemaya—The Ocean Goddess 1024 721 adminvictoria

Yemaya is a truly universal goddess—and one with many names. She is celebrated with beautiful names like the Queen of the Sea, Goddess Mermaid, Sirena, Mother of the Fishes, Ocean Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Stella Maris (Star of the Sea) and Patroness of Witches. Yemaya is a mythical creature, a demi-god and “Orisha,” which…

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contemporary romance novels

The Allure of Contemporary Romance Novels

The Allure of Contemporary Romance Novels 500 333 adminvictoria

For decades, the best-selling fiction genre has been romance, with contemporary romance novels leading the pack. Even during economic downturns, readers of all ages and genders continue to buy romance books. They’re a draw for bibliophiles across the board—while women make up the largest number of romance readers, studies show that men also enjoy the…

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mermaid books

The Dangerous Allure of Mermaids

The Dangerous Allure of Mermaids 1024 450 adminvictoria

Mermaids have never gone out of style. From Ariel in The Little Mermaid to Daryl Hannah’s iconic performance of Madison in Splash, these amphibious beauties have captivated people of all ages for thousands of years. Yet everything from literature dating back centuries to recent films like The Lure and The Lighthouse, and even hit television…

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5 Reasons We Love Contemporary Romance Novels

5 Reasons We Love Contemporary Romance Novels 500 293 adminvictoria

As fans of contemporary romance novels, we often feel the need to defend our favorite genre. Even though romance is probably the most popular, best-selling genre, there are many who look down on it. But we know that those who shun the subversive world of romance books are truly missing out. Contemporary romance readers hail…

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Sailors' Valentines


POST SCRIPT—KEY WEST, FLORIDA, FALL 1985 500 333 adminvictoria

Faith hurried across the parking lot at the College of the Florida Keys. She had decided at the last moment to apply for admission and had missed the first week of classes. Today, her waitress shift at Howard Johnson’s ran overtime. She checked the classroom number on the paper in her hand and pushed through…

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The Origin of Mermaids

The Origin of Mermaids 1024 725 adminvictoria

Mermaids have fascinated children and adults alike for centuries. These mysterious creatures are the subject of legends, folklore and even contemporary books and films. To this day, modern religions including Hinduism and Candomble worship these half-woman, half-fish entities as deities and goddesses. Where does the legend of mermaids come from and did they really exist?…

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The Mermaid Chronicles: A Mermaid Finds Peace

The Mermaid Chronicles: A Mermaid Finds Peace 1024 702 adminvictoria

By Angel del Corazón Rocco and Willow landed in Key West, the southernmost point of the continental United States. My grandmother was seventeen years old in the winter of 1927 when she stepped onto the porch of her pretty new home. It was a “gingerbread house,” and in those days, families designed the woodwork trim…

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